Someone told me that I need to find something that I love in this world...Something yang boleh membuatkan aku leka dan tak fikir benda-benda yang aku tak nak fikir...Actually, dah lama aku fikir nak start cross stitch ni...
Hopefully, aku dapat siapkan dalam bulan puasa...Just wait and see la ye...
pEAcE nO wAr!!!
Islamic Widget

Thursday, July 28, 2011
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Beach Boys (1997)
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Ini adalah antara citer yang dilakonkan oleh Takashi Sorimachi waktu dia muda lagi (Sekarang pun muda lagi pe)...Lakonan dia memang sentiasa mantap...Yang memantapkan lagi citer ni sebab Takenouchi Yutaka juga berlakon..Dua pelakon yang memang sangat hebat dan menjadikan citer ni sangat menarik...
Saat perkenalan... |
Citer ni mengisahkan dua orang yang tidak pernah bekenalan dan mempunyai kehidupan sendiri di bandar...Masing-masing mempunyai masalah dan dugaan yang diorang kene hadapi...Sorang pressure dengan kerja....Sorang lagi pressure dengan personal life...Very pressure sampailah diorang amik keputusan untuk keluar dari bandar dan pergi ke satu tempat yang memang totally asing untuk diorang...A peaceful beach...
Pelakon Utama...Daisuki-desu... |
Dekat tempat tu, diorang berkenalan dengan satu family yang sangat baik...A lot of things yang diorang belajar sepanjang diorang menumpang kat rumah tu...How things make the relationship between them become closer...Diorang jadi saling memahami antara satu sama lain....Masing-masing menyimpan sejarah silam tersendiri and they respect each other for that....
Until one day, one of them kene balik ke kehidupan yang lama....Ending citer ni pun menyedihkan...Worth to watch....Ini antara salah satu citer lama yang aku suka....At the first place, aku tgk citer ni sebab Takashi Sorimachi....Tapi after one episode, aku rasa citer ni memang best...Jalan citer die yang membuatkan kita melekat dpn PC/laptop...
pEAcE nO wAr!!!
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Good Life~Arigato, Papa. Sayonara~ (2011)
pEAcE nO wAr!!!
Ni latest japanese drama yang aku tgk...Actually da lama da aku tunggu citer ni...Ingatkn tak sampai Malaysia sebab citer ni klu tak silap aku kuar before tsunami...Mane la tau kan...Negara diorg tak mampu nk export keluar ke...Tapi naseb baik ada jugak...
Citer ni tentang kasih sayang seorang bapa terhadap anak yg menghidap leukemia...Waktu anak dia disahkan menghidap leukemia, Takashi Sorimachi (klu tak kenal, dia ni berlakon as Onizuka Sensei dalam GTO), sedang menghadapi masalah rumah tangga...Wife die minta cerai sebab dia ni terlalu pentingkan kerja daripada keluarga sendiri...Yang sedihnya, anak dia (Amon Kabe), tak nak ikut mak dia sbb takut ayah dia rasa sunyi bila semua org tinggalkn dia...Bermula dari hari tu, Takashi Sorimachi berjanji akan menjaga anak dia sebaik mungkin...Tapi nasib tak menyebelahi diorang bila Amon Kabe disahkan leukemia...
Si comel yang jadi anak... |
After disahkan menghidap leukemia... |
After this, memang tisu sentiasa ada kat tepi aku...So sad...Aku kagum dengan cara si bapa menjaga si anak...Bagaimana si bapa cuba membahagikan masa dengan kerja sebagai reporter yang sentiasa busy tp dia akan make sure sekali sehari dia jenguk anak dia kat hospital...Sampailah satu tahap di mana die terpaksa berhenti kerja dan menjaga anaknya sepenuh masa....Dia berlagak gembira depan si anak walaupun dalam hati memang dia sangat sedih dan takut kehilangan anak kesayangan dia...
Antara scene sedih dalam citer ni... |
Ni dengan ex-wife die (dlm citer ni ye)... |
Aku mmg da lama kagum dengan lakonan Takashi Sorimachi ni...Tapi after tengok citer ni, lagilah aku tabik spring kat dia....Tambah pulak dengan lakonan mantap Amon Kabe...Memang tak rugi tengok citer ni...Pada peminat fanatik citer jepun (macam aku ni), tak rugi korg tengok...Yang tak minat pun, tak rugi tengok...
pEAcE nO wAr!!!
Najmi Haqiemi Bin Ahmad Salleh
- Seorang kanak-kanak lelaki berumur 10 tahun (Darjah 4).
- Memakai t-shirt sukan berwarna merah berlengan hitam dgn cetakan 'S.K Subang Bestari, Tuah'.
- Berseluar sukan berwarna biru gelap berbelang putih dan berjaket berwarna coklat.
- Membawa beg sekolah berwarna biru dan hitam.
- Mempunyai ketinggian lebih kurang 110 cm, berambut pendek dan mempunyai tanda parut disebelah kanan kepala.
- Ayahnya menyedari kehilangan anaknya pada 13hb Julai 2011 di antara jam 6.30 petang ke 7.00 petang.
- Budak ini dibawa oleh seorang perempuan agak berumur, berkulit agak gelap. Dipercayai warga Indonesia.
Sila hubungi ibu bapa mangsa atau Balai Polis berhampiran seandainya ada melihat kanak-kanak ini. Semoga Allah membalas jasa baik anda semua.
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Missing Him???
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Lately, tdo aku asik terganggu je...duk terbayang2 muke tanda tu...aku da nekad ngan keputusan aku & tak mungkin aku pth blk...ya Allah...berikan aku kekuatan untuk buka hati aku ini dan terima orang lain dlm hidup aku...Aamin...
Kdg-kdg hidup kita ni sukar sbb tuhan nak uji kekuatan iman kita...sebelum ni, tak pernah pun dia msk dlm mimpi aku...skg ni bila da berjauhan, hampir tiap-tiap hari aku mimpikan bak kate Mia Sara dlm 'Sekali Lagi', KALAU ADA JODOH, KITA JUMPA LAGI...aku percaya pada ketentuan Allah...pasti ada hikmah di sebalik kejadian...
pEAcE nO wAr!!!
Monday, July 18, 2011
Friday, July 15, 2011
Surat Dari Murid Pencinta Nasi Lemak
Ke hadapan Guru Besar yang saya kasihi,

Yang benar,
Murid pencinta nasi lemak 50 sen
pEAcE nO wAr!!!
Ke hadapan Guru Besar yang saya kasihi,
Saya, Mohd Hazwan salah seorang murid pemulihan tahun 6 Sekolah Kebangsaan Pasir Gudang 5, ingin memohon kepada tuan untuk menarik balik larangan menjual nasi lemak di kantin sekolah.Untuk pengetahuan tuan, saya sekarang sudah tidak semangat lagi untuk belajar ketika di dalam kelas kerana tidak dapat makan nasi lemak 50 sen pada waktu rehat.Nasi lemak merupakan sumber tenaga utama saya setiap hari.Kebanyakan kawan-kawan saya juga merasakan hal yang sama.
Saya juga pernah mempunyai dua orang abang yang bersekolah di sini satu masa dulu, mereka memberitahu saya yang mereka hampir setiap hari makan nasi lemak di kantin sekolah walaupun dulu harganya cuma 30 sen sepinggan.Tuan nak tau di mana mereka sekarang?Seorang telah menjadi doktor di Hospital Besar Kuala Lumpur dan seorang lagi akan menamatkan pelajaran dalam bidang teknologi makanan tidak lama lagi.Jadi saya rasa alasan murid-murid akan menjadi lembab dalam pelajaran adalah tidak munasabah.

Alasan kedua yang mengatakan nasi lemak boleh menjadi penyebab obesiti juga adalah kurang tepat. Walaupun saya hari-hari makan nasi lemak tapi saya tidak juga obesiti. Saya masih slim dan berat sentiasa maintain kerana saya selalu beriadah antaranya berlari-lari di padang dan lari dari sekolah.Sebenarnya ini berpunca dari gaya hidup murid-murid sendiri yang selalu mengamalkan budaya 'makan tidur facebook blog tidur' seterusnya menyumbang kepada obesiti.Justeru, saya mencadangkan agar waktu Pendidikan Jasmani ditambah dari 1 jam seminggu kepada 4 jam seminggu.Selain itu perhimpunan pagi juga boleh digantikan dengan senamrobik untuk menggalakkan murid-murid bersenam.Hari Sukan sekolah juga perlu dibuat setiap 2 bulan sekali.
Tambahan pula, larangan penjualan nasi lemak di kantin telah menyebabkan jualan makcik kantin merosot dengan mendadak.Saya dapat lihat riak wajahnya yang sentiasa bermuram setiap hari.Saya bimbang ini akan memberi kesan kepada kesedapan makanan di kantin sekolah kita.
Saya berharap agar pihak tuan akan mempertimbangkan aduan dan cadangan saya ini. Bak kata pepatah 'nasi lemak merupakan warisan zaman-berzaman, takkan nasi lemak hilang di dunia'.
Murid pencinta nasi lemak 50 sen
pEAcE nO wAr!!!
Dear Deaf Wife

DEAF WIFE....."priceless"

DEAF WIFE....."priceless"
A man feared his wife wasn't hearing as well as she used to and he thought she might need a hearing aid.
Not quite sure how to approach her, he called the family doctor to discuss the problem.
The Doctor told him there is a simple informal test the husband could perform to give the doctor a better idea about her hearing loss.
"Here's what you do," said the Doctor, "stand about 40 feet away from her, and in a normal conversational speaking tone see if she hears you.
If not, go to 30 feet, then 20 feet, and so on until you get a response."
If not, go to 30 feet, then 20 feet, and so on until you get a response."
That eve ning, the wife is in the kitchen cooking dinner, and he was in the den. He says to himself, "I'm about 40 feet away, let's see what happens."Then in a normal tone he asks, 'Honey, what's for dinner?"
No response..
So the husband moves closer to the kitchen, about 30 feet from his wife and repeats, "Honey, what's for dinner?"
Still no response.
Next he moves into the dining room where he is about 20 feet from his wife and asks, "Honey, what's for dinner?"
Again he gets no response.
So, he walks up to the kitchen door, ab out 10 feet away. "Honey, what's for dinner?"
Again there is no response.
So he walks right up behind her. "Honey, what's for dinner?"
"Ralph, for the FIFTH time, CHICKEN!"
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(I just love this)
"Ralph, for the FIFTH time, CHICKEN!"
pEAcE nO wAr!!!
Thursday, July 14, 2011
Hada Labo Set for RM118
Currently only RM 118...Normal price is RM168...I should try this product since my skin is very 'mengada-ngada'...Sebelum ni, aku gune SKII and aku satisfied with the result...Cuma problem aku sekarang adalah harga yang agak 'mahal'...So, after a while, I decide to try this product and hopefully will get a better result as well...
The set consists of :
pEAcE nO wAr!!!
Hada Labo Set |
Currently only RM 118...Normal price is RM168...I should try this product since my skin is very 'mengada-ngada'...Sebelum ni, aku gune SKII and aku satisfied with the result...Cuma problem aku sekarang adalah harga yang agak 'mahal'...So, after a while, I decide to try this product and hopefully will get a better result as well...
The set consists of :
- Hada Labo SHA Wash 50g
- Hada Labo Lotion 170ml
- Hada Labo Milk 140ml
- Hada Labo UV Milk SPF 50PA++ 38ml
Senarai Top Ranking Universiti Terbaik di Malaysia bagi tahun 2011.
1. Universiti Sains Malaysia
2. Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
3. Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia
4. Universiti Putra Malaysia
5. University of Malaya
6. Universiti Malaysia Perlis
7. Multimedia University
8. Universiti Teknologi Mara
9. Universiti Malaysia Pahang
10. International Islamic University of Malaysia
11. Universiti Utara Malaysia
12. Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia
13. Universiti Tenaga Nasional
14. Universiti Malaysia Sabah
15. Open University Malaysia
16. University of Nottingham Malaysia
17. Universiti Teknologi Petronas
18. Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia
19. Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris
20. Taylor’s University College
21. Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka
22. Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman
23. Universiti Malaysia Terengganu
24. Universiti Malaysia Sarawak
25. Universiti Tun Abdul Razak
26. Monash University Malaysia
27. Universiti Industri Selangor
28. Wawasan Open University
29. UCSI University
30. Curtin University of Technology Sarawak Campus
31. Asia Pacific Institute of Information Technology
32. International Medical University
33. Help University College
34. Tunku Abdul Rahman College
35. Al Madinah International University
36. Universiti Kuala Lumpur
37. National Defence University of Malaysia
38. Segi College
39. Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin
40. Universiti Malaysia Kelantan
41. Limkokwing University of Creative Technology
42. KDU College
43. Selangor International Islamic University College
44. Sunway University College
45. Malaysia Theological Seminary
46. Malaysia University of Science & Technology
47. Olympia College Malaysia
48. Swinburne University of Technology Sarawak Campus
49. Malaysian Institute of Management
50. University of Malaya Medical Center & Faculty of Medicine
51. INSANIAH University College
52. Taman Pertanian University
53. Kuala Lumpur Infrastructure University College
54. International Centre for Education in Islamic Finance
55. Majlis Peperiksaan Malaysia
56. Cyberjaya University College of Medical Sciences
57. Disted-Stamford College
58. Berjaya University College of Hospitality
59. Asia e University
60. KBU International College
61. New INTI College
62. TATI University College
63. Nilai International College
64. Asia Pacific University College of Technology & Innovation
65. AIMST University
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1. Universiti Sains Malaysia
2. Universiti Teknologi Malaysia
3. Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia
4. Universiti Putra Malaysia
5. University of Malaya
6. Universiti Malaysia Perlis
7. Multimedia University
8. Universiti Teknologi Mara
9. Universiti Malaysia Pahang
10. International Islamic University of Malaysia
11. Universiti Utara Malaysia
12. Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia
13. Universiti Tenaga Nasional
14. Universiti Malaysia Sabah
15. Open University Malaysia
16. University of Nottingham Malaysia
17. Universiti Teknologi Petronas
18. Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia
19. Universiti Pendidikan Sultan Idris
20. Taylor’s University College
21. Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka
22. Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman
23. Universiti Malaysia Terengganu
24. Universiti Malaysia Sarawak
25. Universiti Tun Abdul Razak
26. Monash University Malaysia
27. Universiti Industri Selangor
28. Wawasan Open University
29. UCSI University
30. Curtin University of Technology Sarawak Campus
31. Asia Pacific Institute of Information Technology
32. International Medical University
33. Help University College
34. Tunku Abdul Rahman College
35. Al Madinah International University
36. Universiti Kuala Lumpur
37. National Defence University of Malaysia
38. Segi College
39. Universiti Sultan Zainal Abidin
40. Universiti Malaysia Kelantan
41. Limkokwing University of Creative Technology
42. KDU College
43. Selangor International Islamic University College
44. Sunway University College
45. Malaysia Theological Seminary
46. Malaysia University of Science & Technology
47. Olympia College Malaysia
48. Swinburne University of Technology Sarawak Campus
49. Malaysian Institute of Management
50. University of Malaya Medical Center & Faculty of Medicine
51. INSANIAH University College
52. Taman Pertanian University
53. Kuala Lumpur Infrastructure University College
54. International Centre for Education in Islamic Finance
55. Majlis Peperiksaan Malaysia
56. Cyberjaya University College of Medical Sciences
57. Disted-Stamford College
58. Berjaya University College of Hospitality
59. Asia e University
60. KBU International College
61. New INTI College
62. TATI University College
63. Nilai International College
64. Asia Pacific University College of Technology & Innovation
65. AIMST University
The ranking main factors are Size, Visibility, Research papers and scholars.
pEAcE nO wAr!!!
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
The Shoebox
A man and woman had been married for more than 60 years. They had shared everything. They had talked about everything. They had kept no secrets from each other except that the little
Old woman had a shoe box in the top of her closet that she had cautioned her husband never to open or ask her about.

For all of these years, he had never thought about the box, but one day the little old woman got very sick and the doctor said she would not recover.
In trying to sort out their affairs, the little old man took down the shoe box and took it to his wife's bedside. She agreed that it was time that he should know what was in the box. When he opened it, he found two crocheted dolls and a stack of money totaling $95,000. He asked her about the contents.
'When we were to be married,' she said, 'my grandmother told me the secret of a happy marriage was to never argue. She told me that if I ever got angry with you, I should just keep quiet and crochet a doll.'
The little old man was so moved; he had to fight back tears. Only two precious dolls were in the box. She had only been angry with him two times in all those years of living and loving. He almost burst with happiness.
'Honey,' he said, 'that explains the doll, but what about all of this money? Where did it come from?'
'Oh,' she said, 'that's the money I made from selling the dolls.'
pEAcE nO wAr!!!

A man and woman had been married for more than 60 years. They had shared everything. They had talked about everything. They had kept no secrets from each other except that the little
Old woman had a shoe box in the top of her closet that she had cautioned her husband never to open or ask her about.

For all of these years, he had never thought about the box, but one day the little old woman got very sick and the doctor said she would not recover.
In trying to sort out their affairs, the little old man took down the shoe box and took it to his wife's bedside. She agreed that it was time that he should know what was in the box. When he opened it, he found two crocheted dolls and a stack of money totaling $95,000. He asked her about the contents.
'When we were to be married,' she said, 'my grandmother told me the secret of a happy marriage was to never argue. She told me that if I ever got angry with you, I should just keep quiet and crochet a doll.'
The little old man was so moved; he had to fight back tears. Only two precious dolls were in the box. She had only been angry with him two times in all those years of living and loving. He almost burst with happiness.
'Honey,' he said, 'that explains the doll, but what about all of this money? Where did it come from?'
'Oh,' she said, 'that's the money I made from selling the dolls.'
pEAcE nO wAr!!!
Generous Wife
Since the wife was eight months into her pregnancy, the husband had to sleep on the floor to avoid any regrettable mistake, which might happen pretty easily, for he had been desperate for quite a while.
Just before lying down on the bed, the wife glances at him and sees the poor guy curls up on the floor, eyes stare widely into the empty air, filled with hopeless desire...Feeling sorry for her husband, she opens the top drawer of the cabinet,
takes out 500 bucks, and gives it to him.
pEAcE nO wAr!!!
Since the wife was eight months into her pregnancy, the husband had to sleep on the floor to avoid any regrettable mistake, which might happen pretty easily, for he had been desperate for quite a while.
Just before lying down on the bed, the wife glances at him and sees the poor guy curls up on the floor, eyes stare widely into the empty air, filled with hopeless desire...Feeling sorry for her husband, she opens the top drawer of the cabinet,
takes out 500 bucks, and gives it to him.
"Here, take this and go to the woman next door, she will let you sleep with her tonight.... and remember that this happens only once... ok?... don't think about it again" she said.
The husband rolls his eyes in disbelief, but afraid that she may change her mind, grabs the money and leaves quickly.
A few minutes later, he returns, and hands the money back to his wife and says with much disappointment: ''She said this is not enough. She wants one thousand.....''
The wife's face slowly turns red with anger.
"Damn that bitch.. when she was pregnant and her husband
came over here...I charged him only five hundred.." The guy collapsed!!!
Think TWICE when your wife is over Generous

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